Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Super Cool Project for Art!

Alright guys, so for my art class we're doing a photo montage.So far, i have a little sketch done... but it's awesome! i'm going to recreate the wonder woman costume and take a lot of photos..... it's going to look bombdiggity! haha I'm super duper excited! I kind of got the whole super hero vibe from a vogue issue.. i forgot which month however, the theme inside the feature was yellow, so they had the woman model in something summery and yellow and they had a male model in a superman costume! and i thought that was put in there so cleverly.. i mean it's so unexpected.. you just get that extra umph! haha but yeaa thanks to my friend haley, who is amazing at art! she gave me some ideas for my photo montage on how to arrange them.. it'll kind of look like a comic strip but in photos.
